ABC Classification

How can we do ABC Classification on product wise. We have 3 products, out of which 1 is very high value. When we do the classification on basis of MRP usage value, all the components of product A coming out as class A. We want system to define ABC on relative cost of each product for planning purpose.

Unfortunately its not

Unfortunately its not available in 11i/R12. I was expecting oracle 'll provide such a feature in Fusion Application but it is not the case. At least, Oracle should provide an option such as selecting multiple sub-inventory for cycle count.

Why oracle doesn’t provide

Why oracle doesn’t provide such basic business functionality when all the other ERP has such features

Can you let me know which ERP

Can you let me know which ERP package provides such feature… SAP does not have any out of box ABC classification; forget about having it in product / sub inventory level. I don’t think either PeopleSoft or JDEwdwards had any such feature; else it would have been incorporated in FA.